Understanding Islamic IKNB in Indonesia
In collaboration with OJK, FEBI UIN Antasari used the zoom platform to socialize the Islamic non-bank financial industry (IKNB), (September 22, 2021).
This activity aims to provide a more in-depth understanding of Islamic IKNB in Indonesia. Furthermore, the activity is expected to contribute significantly to the development of Islamic IKNB in Indonesia.
The Dean of FEBI UIN Antasari Fathurrahman Azhari expressed his satisfaction with the activity’s implementation. He hopes that the parties’ cooperation can be established and maintained in the future.
Regarding IKNB, Fathurrahman advised that OJK establish a laboratory in universities to develop Micro Waqf Banks and Fintech.
“FEBI UIN Antasari is ready to participate as a pilot project in this initiation with all of our commitments and resources,” Fathurrahman added.