Professional Development Opportunities
The assesment team for Accreditation of the Higher Education Council has visited Undergraduate Islamic Economics Department of UIN Gunung Djati Bandung (November, 23-24).
The process for accreditation involves a formal application, self-assessments, a site visit by a team of trained visitors that results in a written report, and a hearing with the commission to grant accreditation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s visitations were held virtually. Once accredited, the department must uphold the standards by submitting an annual report and is reviewed again in five years.
One member of the assesment team, which is also FEBI UIN Antasari’s Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Syaugi Mubarak, expressed pleasure at the facilities available for research and academic facilities, the standard, and quality of Islamic Economics Department.
Syaugi also appreciated UIN Sunan Gunung Djati commitment to faculty and staff, including significant increases in professional development opportunities.