FEIB curriculum towards an independent campus era
Thesis defense has traditionally been one of the final and most important steps for students to obtain their degrees. However, due to the restrictions on in-person events as part of the effort to combat the spread of COVID-19, thesis defenses …
The Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business has added an online complaint form for stakeholders to report complaints (June, 15). The form is available on the FEIB website. In a release, Dean Fathurrahman Azhari said the electronic form is to make the process …
Dealing predominantly with the short- and long-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, FEIB’s board management convened on Tuesday for online meeting. In his remarks to the board, Dean Fathurrahman Azhari outlined the priorities currently guiding the University’s decisions. Azhari emphasized …
Distance learning has begun for all UIN Antasari students, especially FEIB students. The transition to online forms of learning is an effort to mitigate risk associated with COVID-19. For Haris Faulidi, faculty instructor of distance learning and lecturer of Islamic banking, …