FEBI UIN Antasari Organises Studium Generale
FEBI UIN Antasari has organised an e-guest lecture on “Adapting to new habits at FEBI UIN Antasari”. Here’s a look at tips from the expert.
As a part of Studium Generale, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin organized e-lecture on “Adapting to new habits at FEBI UIN Antasari” on Sept 7, 2021, through the Zoom platform.
The guest speaker for the programme is Dr Taufik Hidayat MKes Psikolog.
Taufik Hidayat focussed on the psychological aspects such as the warning/red signs of the need for psychological help. He gave important and precise tips to take care of yourself such as break from social media content, preventive measures, carefree and creative activities and most importantly exercise, and family time.
Addressing the gathering, Dean Dr Fathurrahman Azhari emphasized covid-appropriate behaviour (mask, sanitizer and social distancing) is the key to control the pandemic.
He told the gathering reminds issues and challenges that need to be revisited, particularly in relation to access, equity, relevance, quality and governance.
“In recent years, assessment, accreditation and ranking initiatives have led to radical changes in the quality framework. Alhamdulillah, All of our study programs are no longer accredited C,” Fathurrahman adds.