Building a Strong Foundation and Offering Real-World Experience
On 13-14 July, first online training for trainers/lecturers on quantitative methodology was held for the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business-Antasari State Islamic University, Banjarmasin.
During the training, Prof Dr Imam Ghazali MCom, PhD from Universitas Diponegoro introduced the participants to the methodology and its implementation at the field level as well as technical aspects of working on quantitative platform.
Speaking about the training, Fathurrahman Azhari, Dean of FEBI-UIN Antasari said, “This is the time when lifelong learning is more important than ever. Through this strategic training, we aim to advance methodology and make it into a new wave of learning that can help students strengthen their skills and abilities. The key thing that sets this training apart from other programs is that our program is practical and field-oriented therefore building a strong foundation and offering real-world experience.”