Did You know?
- UIN Antasari was rewarded with Wilayah Bebas Korupsi (WBK) from KPK and Kemenpan RB
- UIN Antasari was rewarded by BNN related to participation in the Prevention and Eradication, Abuse and Illicit Drugs
- There are over 2000 students at FEBI-UIN Antasari
- FEBI-UIN Antasari is very competitive: more than 4650 people applied for around 275 undergraduate places for entry in 2020. That means FEBI receives, on average, around 16 applications for each available place.
- The majority of FEBI’s Indonesian undergraduates come from state schools.
- FEBI offers 3 undergraduate programmes.
- Students come to FEBI from more than 10 territories.