FEIB Evaluates Scope of COVID-19 Impact
Dealing predominantly with the short- and long-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, FEIB’s board management convened on Tuesday for online meeting.
In his remarks to the board, Dean Fathurrahman Azhari outlined the priorities currently guiding the University’s decisions.
Azhari emphasized that no further decisions regarding quarter plans have been made at this time. Administrators are awaiting further public-health guidance, he said, and evaluating work from home (WfH) policy.
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Syaugi Mubarak Seff described measures meant to limit the pandemic’s impact on academics and student life. He concerns for students, who face diminished opportunities for research and internship in the wake of the pandemic.
The board also discussed the pandemic’s blow to the University’s budget. Vice Dean of Administration Mahmud Yusuf emphasized that economic uncertainty and the lack of definitive timeline for resuming in-person operations has “slowed” public financial sector.
(Courtesy: consumerreports.org)