FEBI-UIN Antasari Announces New Programs to Expand Innovation
Dean Fathurrahman Azhari announced three new programs that aim to build a better future through research, teaching, and outreach at Annual Meeting, held April 26, 2021.
The three new programs are:
1. Research methodology software training for faculty members;
2. Certification training and webinars;
3. Incentive funding for conference speakers.
Dean Fathurrahman Azhari said this week, he also focused on the importance of bringing faculty and students back to campus–within certain limits. “We have to work very hard to provide the best experience to our students,” he said.
Additionally, Azhari reported that this year, FEBI-UIN Antasari will be looking to modify rules in order for faculty members to be able to examine thesis offline.
Azhari also gave an updated Rector direction: mainly covering the authorization for the budgeting and good-governance for faculty. The full picture on how much the program will proceed in the upcoming academic year is unclear because of shortfalls due to dramatic expenses caused by COVID-19.
By the beginning of 2021, Azhari said that FEBI will know how vigorously it will be pursuing. “So far as I can tell, the faculty has not been consulted about this in any meaningful way,” Azhari said.