Hybrid Learning Begins at FEBI
FEBI UIN Antasari welcomed back its first group of students for in-person hybrid learning on Monday (November 1, 2021) after more than one year of virtual learning.
“We just want to make sure that the students feel that this is like the moment that we’ve been waiting for since last year,” Dean Fathurrahman Azhari said. “And we are just very happy to see them.”
After COVID-19 reached Banjarmasin in late of March 2020, FEBI UIN Antasari closed its doors and switched to a virtual learning model. Those doors are now reopening just a couple of weeks shy of one full year later.
A combination of factors led to November 1, 2021 being the date when faculties actually began reopening: a decline in COVID-19 levels in Banjarmasin, an increase in lecturer and student vaccinations, Rector Mujiburrahman ordering UIN Antasari faculties to reopen.
FEBI UIN Antasari welcomed about 40 students back for the first day of hybrid learning. The Faculty would normally have about 2.000 students. About 25% of class of 2021 and 2020 students are returning in-person.
“Students coming back to campus will have a schedule that remains similar to virtual learning and will start at 8.30 a.m.,” Fathurrahman said.